CrossTimber Castle NamePlaques™
Stone Fortresses guard the treasure of your name meaning.

This castle towers over the land to protect the surrounding kingdom. An inspiring name meaning gift for any knight of the Kingdom.
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Greeting Card

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The clear blue water reflects the strong castle in the distance. A bookmark to encourage and acknowledge the strength and fortitude of your protector.
Matching Pocket Card
Greeting Card

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Impregnable castle walls surrounded by a wide moat make this bookmark a great choice for names that mean Strength, Refuge, Courage or Bravery. A great choice for your protector, or to inspire a young squire on his adventures towards noble knighthood.
Matching Pocket Card
Greeting Card

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A Magnificent Castle Rises from the Wooded Countryside as a symbol of strength and honor on this name meaning plaque. This personalized coffee Mug of the same design pictures a distant kingdom of white-walled castles and turrets in the England forest. The name and meaning are printed in blue. The keepsake box could inspire an adventure for treasure!
Matching Pocket Card
Greeting Card

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What majesty this palace envelopes! What grace it holds in the eyes! What diginity and greatness it demands of those who go through it's doors. Will you be one of them?
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A noble knight of the kingdom stands at the ready to guard this mighty castle fortress. This is a great nameplaque, keepsake box or plaque to inspire and admire the brave knights in your life. The matching bookmark shows the tallest tower surrounded by a moat with the name, name meaning, origin and verse beneath. Be sure to check out the WidePlaque design for SC02-WP. It includes a stunning sunset in the background.
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This dark scenes frames a unique castle with knights ascending a long staircase to an ominous door. You can frame a name meaning print in this picture of perilous adventure for the next tale of knights, castles, danger and adventure. The "vertical" design is more readable, while the background in the horizontal design is clearer & more pronounced.
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A high mountain rises before the castle turret with distant roads and rivers in the distance. A science-fiction landscape to accent your next adventure book!
My favorite work of fiction comes from Christian Author, Sigmund Brouwer, with good morals, adventure, and a positive absence of bad language, violence or compromising situations. "Wings of Dawn" by Sigmund Brouwer for ages 8 to 80! Check ebay!
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Subdued inks written on this ancient parchment make a great name meaning design for an author, historian, or anyone with a bent for the written word.
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On this personalized name meaning print, the windmill stands before a stormy sky. Subdued colors set in the stormy field make this bookmark design a powerful, yet classic scene from distant lands.
Matching Pocket Card
Greeting Card

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This lighthouse has seen better days, and now stands, alone on the shore of the salty sea. It's one of the few metal lighthouses ever built, and makes a unique accompanyment for our name meaning prints.
Matching Pocket Card
Greeting Card

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All the above animal designs are also available on:
Name Coffee Mugs | Keepsake Memory Boxes
Our most popular designs are also available as WidePlaques, uniquely suited for 1, 2 or 3 names. (including middle names and last names.
Or browse these other Animal Themes for NamePlaques™:
Lions & Tigers (oh my) | Sheep & Lambs | Horses | Wolves & Elk | Birds: Eagles, Doves, Hawks